While the snow-dusted trees can be beautiful, there is also an extra set of dangers to be aware of as the temperatures dip. Namely, when ice coats the sidewalks, your balance may be called into question more than it is during any other season.

It’s estimated that around 1 million adults in the United States are injured due to slips and falls during the year, and the number of falls increases as the temperature declines. To ensure that you avoid injury in the winter, it’s important to take proper precautions to prevent slips and falls.

Winter Safety Tips
When the weather is icy, try to stay in if you’re able. This is the best way to prevent injury. However, if you do need to venture outside, follow these tips:

Wear the Right Footwear
Your footwear is what stands between you and icy surfaces, so be sure to wear the right type. When the weather is icy, wear a pair of lightweight boots that have good support. Boots not only keep your feet warm, but they also offer a grip to prevent slipping.

Don’t Rush
Give yourself extra time to get where you need in the winter. Rushing increases your odds of stepping on a slippery patch without realizing it, and when you’re moving fast, your legs can slide out from under you faster, leading to a harder fall.

When you move slowly, you can pay better attention to your steps and minimize slipping. If you happen to hit an icy patch, you can better control your movements and navigate off it without falling.

Use Assistance
When the weather is cold, consider using assistance to get around. Whether it’s a walking stick, walker, or the handrails on your steps, don’t hesitate to take these extra precautions to gain more stability and have something to grab onto if your feet start sliding.

Adjust Your Walk
How you walk can be just as important as how quickly you walk. When it’s icy out, take small steps, similar to a waddle from a penguin. It may feel silly, but walking in this side-to-side manner can help you maintain your center of gravity and prevent you from falling.

Know What to Do in the Case of a Fall
Sometimes, all the prevention may still not be enough to prevent a slip and fall, so it’s important to know what to do in case you end up on the ground unexpectedly.

When you feel yourself slipping, don’t try to catch yourself with your arms—that can result in more injuries. Instead, try to take the hit with your back or buttocks. Once you fall, wait for someone to help you in case you are injured and to avoid additional falls.

If you’ve injured yourself, don’t put off receiving help. At Orthopedic Associates, our practitioners can help you to care for your winter weather injuries. Whether you injured your elbow and need to see Dr. Imran Choudhry or need Dr. Brian Larkin’s help with a leg fracture, our facility is equipped to help get you back on your feet.