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How Dr. Joel Gonzales and Denver Orthopedic Associates Led to ‘THE QUEST’

Many people have unique goals they’d like to accomplish in life, and for Alex Harz, it was climbing Mt. Everest to reach the summit at 29,032 feet/8849 meters.  However, due to multiple soccer injuries and a torn meniscus caused by continuous rock climbing, he wasn’t so sure that would ever be possible.  Even so, he…

5 Simple Ways to Stay Active This Spring

Increase Your Activity Levels While Enjoying the Nice Weather Now that spring is here, and the temperature is beginning to rise, it’s the perfect time to find different things to do outdoors to stay active and healthy. Although there is nothing wrong with enjoying your time inside the home, getting fresh air and natural sunlight…

4 Tips to Avoid Back Pain Caused by Spring Cleaning

Prevent Discomfort During Your Annual Deep Cleaning Do you look forward to your annual deep cleaning when spring rolls around? It’s the perfect time to go through your belongings to get rid of what you don’t need, wipe down windows, pull out the duster, and get your home looking good from top to bottom. However,…

Digital Resources to Boost Your Home Workout Routine

The winter months reduce our ability to go outside and get active, and if you’re the type of person who thrives in the sunshine and lives for hikes, walks, and long summer runs, the winter can be tough. Plus, with COVID-19 restrictions, people are more housebound than ever and may not have access to the…

How to fight joint pain in cold winter months

If your joints hurt during the winter, or you suffer from aches and pains more often than normal, then the cold weather is definitely to blame—and you are not alone. Cold weather often restricts mobility for many reasons. To start with, our muscles aren’t as loose in the cold, which may result in tighter joint…

The Importance of Stretching and Flexibility for Your Overall Health

In gym class or on sports teams growing up, we often learn that stretching is a warm-up or cool-down from other activities. But this isn’t the full story—stretching and increasing flexibility are important for health in their own right. Stretching is known to ease a host of other issues, including improving posture, range of motion,…

Are You Inspired by the Olympics this Winter? Get Involved in Outdoor Sports

Watching the Olympic Games in Beijing this winter, it is hard to resist the inspiration to get outside, improve your athleticism, and work on your own physical abilities. With athletes that make the impossible look so easy, the dream of picking up a pair of ice skates and gliding smoothly across the rink is easily…

Suffering from stress? Stop the cycle with these self-care tips!

In the midst of COVID our mental health has certainly taken a toll. We have masks, mandates, vaccines, boosters, social distancing, contact tracing, and quarantines to deal with; all while many face the loss of loved ones or their own hard road back to health. The stress and pain is real. But what is also…

Activities you can do indoors to stay active this winter

If you are someone who can’t stand the cold, here are some ways for you to stay active Although some people cherish the winter months because of their love for skiing, snowboarding, or skating, for many of us, the cold weather at this time of year stops us from going outside. Understandably so, the snow,…

How to stay active in the cold winter months

Without the motivation from the warm sunlight, it can be hard to find the drive to exercise Winter is here, and for those of us who don’t live down south, we are bracing for shorter days, colder weather, darker mornings, and brisk winds. For individuals who thrive doing outdoor exercise in the warmer months, these…

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