It’s safe to say that back injuries are most often the most difficult injuries to recover from. Our spine and our lumbar support system are responsible for so much of what we do as humans. And sometimes, even worse than a back injury is experiencing a constant, aching, chronic pain in your back that prohibits you from living your life on your own terms.
And in fact, back pain is one of the most common health issues that millions of Americans face each and every day. And every year, this number seems to increase. Chronic back pain isn’t just physically debilitating – it’s also mentally draining as well. Chronic back pain has the potential to limit your activity, to restrict your mobility, and to ultimately crush your quality of life.
For that very reason, it is imperative that you understand just how you can treat your chronic back pain and how to use the remedies that are available to you, so that you can go on to live your life on your own terms. Let’s take a look at Chronic Back Pain 101.
What Are The Treatments?
When it comes to chronic back pain, there are a number of treatments available with a number of different options that all have their own pros and cons. The majority of treatments are performed with x-ray technology and fluoroscopic guided technology, in combination with powerful injections to guarantee incredible precision – all without the need for surgery.
For instance, there are facet joint injections which help to alleviate pain in the facet joint. Then, there are epidural injections, which work wonders for patients who suffer from herniated discs and degenerative disc disease. There are also sacroiliac joint block injections, which occur near the lower back – closer to the pelvic bones.
It’s All About The Non-Surgical Treatments For Chronic Back Pain
Thanks to modern medicinal technology, non-surgical treatments for chronic back pain are the new norm. No longer are patients required to go through a lengthy recovery process due to an invasive surgery to help alleviate their pain and discomfort. Today’s technology has made it easier for orthopedics to offer their clients new and innovative forms of pain relief.
However, it is especially critical to remember that chronic back pain almost always requires long-term treatment. It’s a tough condition to cure, and it takes time, effort, and sometimes, a combination of different treatments to ensure that each individual patient is relieved of their pain.
If you’re experiencing back pain, we encourage you to reach out to your orthopedic provider today, to learn all about the types of remedies and treatments for chronic back pain that they have available to you. It’s time that you take control over your life again – be sure to receive the treatment that you need.
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